

he is rounding on the stage high on acrobats and juggling he saw her in the cheerful crowd under her loud laughter he sensed her pain of nothingness in his unicycle, he flows to her she giggled at the colors of his face his joking gestures were goofy forgetting her agony, she held the hands of the bystanders his teary eyes behind the shadow face was illuminant with hope but the show was getting over she walked away with the bystanders the joker of the circus was still, on the stage giggling and melting pseudo-boyfriend was dying inside


Don't make me strong enough to live alone. Once when you miss me, its not necessarily that I've to feel that.

Unknown volcano

I hide the fire of rocks burning inside me I knew it will hurt the beings resting on me Wanted to burst out and plunge in to the memory But saw the particles rejoicing behind the shadows Need to calm the surface to cool the hearts of others Need to exist the top to alive the worshippers And I've to be here until the end of the winds

Death of church

I will see them hanging in the bells of churches Bishops and priests time for your death They enslaved people in the name of religions They misguided creating a concept of God The worst illusion in the world.. God and religion Suppressed women and their freedom

Silence shows turbulence

Your silence shows the decisions you made without me Your calm face shows the turbulence in your mind Your skeptical mind spitted the hatred words As always hate is a part extreme love I don't to say excuses, I just want to leave it open

Caring stone

She was rushing. Today is Valentines day. She is going to celebrate it. I was sitting in the couch. Felt hollow: I was queit, sitting in silence Breath slow down and it was dull Fingers are shivering weak A day for love and lovers I see birds, flying together Kissing and being one in lips She has to fly away from this stone A resting place thats stands strong Stands forever...

Hiding Blogger Toolbar

You may be searching the net how to 'remove' blogger toolbar. Actually you cant remove it but you can hide it. Just watch the following youtube video. Thanks to creator of this video.